Himalayan pink salt versus sea salt—what is better? Celtic Salt and Himalayan Salt are two varieties of natural, unrefined salts recognized for their unique mineral compositions and physical attributes. The geographical origins and harvesting locations of these salts play a crucial role in determining their characteristics.
Why Everyone Should Take Electrolytes First Thing in the Morning
Maintaining proper hydration is a complex process that extends beyond simply consuming adequate amounts of water. The human body requires additional elements beyond water to ensure optimal hydration levels. These elements are known as electrolytes, which play a crucial role in regulating the fluid balance within and outside of cells through a mechanism called osmosis. Electrolytes, including Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus, possess an electric charge that facilitates cellular communication and the execution of various physiological functions, ranging from muscle contraction to nerve impulse transmission.
Here is what you need to check next time you buy bottled water
Bottled water was shrewdly promoted by companies as a substitute for tap water, asserting that it had a lower risk of contamination and offered unique health advantages due to its special minerals. Presently, a staggering 480 billion plastic bottles are utilized each year. Consumers in the United States alone buy 50 billion bottles of water annually. To package this immense quantity of water, more than 17 billion barrels of crude oil are utilized to produce plastic bottles. This quantity of oil would be sufficient to power 1 million cars on a yearly basis.
The Easiest Way to Know For Sure You Have 100% Real Olive Oil
There’s a possibility the olive oil you own is a fake. Genuine extra virgin olive oil is produced by extracting oil from olives without the use of heat or chemicals, preserving the beneficial nutrients and flavors. However, due to the fact that the olive oil grades set by the United States Department of Agriculture are not obligatory for manufacturers, falsely labeled extra virgin olive oil is occasionally sold as authentic. Olive oil could be expired and spoiled, or diluted with inferior quality old olive oil or blended with less expensive seed oils such as canola and sunflower, then artificially colored with chlorophyll or beta carotene.
It’s Not the Gluten, It’s the Glyphosate
Glyphosate has been a staple for conventional farmers for nearly half a century, as they rely on it to eliminate unwanted weeds and pests from their crops. This chemical is applied to fields during intervals between plantings to minimize weed growth, and it is also utilized as a desiccant for grain and bean crops. The quantity of glyphosate sprayed by farmers in the United States alone is staggering, as it would be sufficient to blanket every single acre of farmland worldwide with almost half a pound of this chemical.
Cell Phone Radiation Can Lead to DNA Damage and Certain Types of Tumor (just 5 grams of this daily may reverse radiation damage)
The majority of people are aware that our cell phones can expose us to unhealthy levels of radiation. In fact, when built up over time, exposure to radiation can cause various tumors, DNA damage and a weakened immune system. (study) DNA damage interferes with normal cell growth and protein production. In 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), confirmed that cell phone radiation is a “possible human carcinogen.”
The Harmful Truth About Campbell Soup
Are you aware what’s in your Campbell canned soup? How about bioengineered, toxic, harmful and hormone disrupting ingredients ? Their soups are loaded with MSG, additives, and many questionable ingredients. They might even still use cans with bisphenol-A (BPA) in the lining.
Here is Why You Might Have Anxiety and Panic Attacks
For years, we have been told that anxiety is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. But nothing could be further from the truth as more and more studies are pointing towards the microbiome in the gut. Remember those “butterflies” in your stomach? These are much more than minor sensations, they are your gut communicating with your brain!
Your Dishwasher Detergent is Destroying Your Gut and Can Give You Cancer
Did you know that dishwasher detergents are a leading cause of childhood poisoning in America?
This is because ingestion of dishwashing detergents, particularly automatic dishwashing detergents is incredibly toxic due to the high concentration of the caustic chemicals.
Researchers Confirm Popular Sweetener Damages DNA
Splenda – the best-selling artificial sweetener in America – is out! Also FDA approved and Snopes Checked. Researchers confirmed that a key ingredient in Splenda could increase the risk of cancer, and intestinal inflammation, and multiplies during digestion.
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