These are the “Dirty Dozen”. The conventional fruits and vegetables that should be avoided due to the highest amount of pesticide residue:
** A pesticide residue may not be listed as carcinogenic, neurotoxic, hormone-disrupting or as a reproductive or developmental toxicant for either of two reasons: (1) it may have been studied for toxicity in one or more of these categories and the weight of the evidence did not support designating it as toxic, or (2) it may not have been studied.
If you want your liver to function properly (eliminate toxins and cleanse all the impurities) you should consume reishi mushrooms daily. In, a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology showed that using reishi mushroom reversed chemical-driven liver damage in mice. Reishi mushroom is known for its anti cancer properties. It eliminates free radicals and promotes liver cell regeneration. Just take 1/2 tablespoon a day!